General Information | |
Chemical Formula: | Ca(Sc,Fe++)Si3O8(OH) |
Classification | |
Dana Class: | Unbranched Chains,(65.2)with chains (65.2.1)Wollastonite group |
Strunz Class: | VIII/F.18-50 – Silicates [Inosilicates (chain and band) Triplet chains [Si3O9]6- (Wollastonite-2M – Foshagite series)] |
Crystallography | |
Axial Ratios: | a:b:c =0.9396:1:0.679 |
Cell Dimensions: | a = 9.791, b = 10.42, c = 7.076, Z = 4; alpha = 98.91ø, beta = 102.63ø, gamma = 84.17ø V = 692.34 |
Crystal System: | Triclinic – Pinacoidal H-M Symbol ( -1) Space Group: C1- |
X Ray Diffraction: | By Intensity(I/Io): 2.821(1) 3.62(0.75) 3.1(0.65) |
Physical Properties | |
Cleavage: | [100] Good, [001] Good |
Color: | light pink. |
Density: | 3.01 |
Diaphaniety: | Transparent |
Hardness: | 4.5-5.5 |
Luster: | Vitreous (Glassy) |
Streak: | white |
Optical Properties | |
Optical Data: | Biaxial (?), a=1.663, g=1.684, bire=0.0210 |
Other Information | |
References: | PHYS. PROP.(Enc. of Minerals,2nd ed.,1990) OPTIC PROP.(Enc. of Minerals,2nd ed.,1990) |